Services & Equipment


High-pressure grease injection and pressure pumps


5K Packages10K Packages12.5K Packages15K PackagesHLA’STest PumpsClosing Units
3″ 5K3″ 10K5 1/8″ 12.5K3 1/16″ 15K10K Inverted
5″ 5K5 1/8″ 10K7 1/16″ 12.5K4 1/16″ 15K10K with Hydraulic Nightcap
7 5/8″ 5K5 1/8″ 15K15K inverted
15K with Hydraulic Nightcap

*All pressure control packages includes everything needed to complete the job, as well as fuel and grease.

*Glycol and methanol pumps available by request